Saturday, March 24, 2012

What I think of the Hunger Games and the Bible

<Willow, this is in responce to your Hunger Games post>

I agree, this is a very sad book. Very violent. But I was thinking, God mighthave a reason for it to be so popular. I read the book, I loved it. I think it might be a way of God telling me that ifyou don't do something, this ight be what it will be liek for your children. I go to a Christian school. At my school, almost all the kids have read it, almost all the teachers have read it. At my church, all of my friends have read it.

I am a Christian. I think that God wants to use me somehow, or I wouldn't be here. Iwant people to know that, just because I'm a Harry Potter AND Hunger Games fan doesn't mean that I don't love God and Jesus Christ with all of my heart. I live with Jesus in my heart and am proud  of it and I want people to know that.

I'm REALLY REALLY sorry if this came across to harch to some people. I just had to get this off my mind. I'm really sorry Willow is this really offends you! I think that your a great person and God has you going places!



  1. You make a super good point, Sarah! I admire you for thinking of this. I do think that you reading it has good purpose. Plus, it does make you think.
    You didn't sound harsh at all to me. I am not offended in the least! Thank you for the compliments:)

  2. Your welcome! Your post really made me think though!


  3. I tagged you on my blog:)
